Monday, December 30, 2013

The Seven Reasons Why New Year's Resolutions Fail!

New Year's Resolutions (and most goals that people set for themselves) oftentimes fail. Avoid these pitfalls and you'll more likely achieve the breakthrough result that you're looking for:
  1. Lack of Commitment- Most people say they want to achieve a breakthrough goal, but rarely are they truly committed to it. How strong is your commitment? Why is the goal important and what will be possible after achieving it, that's not possible now?
  2. Raising the Bar- If your hand isn't shaking when you reach for your goal, you're not reaching high enough! Is the goal/resolution really significant? Are you raising the bar high enough so that you can get excited about what's possible if you achieve it?
  3. Inadequate Plan- A goal without a plan is just a dream! What's the plan for your goal? If you're planning an endurance goal (e.g. first Ironman finish, or personal best result), do you have all the elements of your plan put together (hint: it takes more than an training plan!)
  4. Inflexible Structure- When working toward a really significant accomplishment, such as completing an Ironman race, or achieving a personal best (e.g. qualifying for National Age Group Championship, or World Championship), things rarely go exactly as planned. Build in some flexibility, and expect to flex and adjust along the way as "life" gets in the way.
  5. Support Team- To many people I know don't truly value and prepare their support team. Key players include your Family (who will likely be making sacrifices during your training), coach (more than someone who posts a training plan, but a mentor and trusted advisor), friends, your employer and bike shop!
  6. Considering the SWOT- Write it out! What's the key strength that you have going for you that you'll rely on? What weaknesses do you need to mitigate against? What opportunities can you seize to help you along (e.g. joining a Tri team or training group)? What threats do you need to neutralize (e.g. history of knee problems, shaky employment circumstance, etc.).
  7. Being specific and measurable- You really should have a set of milestones to measure your progress. Coaches use scientifically based metrics, such as training stress to monitor. You should have a set of milestones for yourself, and insure that your overall goal is measurable.
Read more on the subject at:
Goal Setting for Optimal Results
Building Your Iron- Strong Business